Saturday, 27 July 2019
Mr Johnson's win-win course?
Our new prime minister A B de P Johnson (I shall try to avoid calling him Boris because that plays into his technique of deflecting criticism by pretending to be a joker) has followed Paddy Ashdown's rule and "hit the ground running."
Mr Johnson has made outrageous and undeliverable promises, purged the cabinet of all criticism rather than seeking the usual balance (at least in his party) and stands a chance of converting much of the North to his cause by promising a high-speed rail line between Leeds and Manchester.
Some of the commentators claim has has boxed himself into a corner. I strongly suspect that he has created for himself a win-win situation.
If, as seems to me extremely unlikely, his up-beat bravado actually does produce another deal from the Europeans. even if the deal is only a cosmetic tweak of Mrs May's, the sycophantic press will hail him as a hero, Tory MPs will be delighted and they will go into an election go as the likely winners.
If, as is much more likely, Johnson fails in his quest for a deal and we "crash out" on the 31st October, (which is precisely what the Tory extremist ERG want) he and the sychophantic press will blame the intransigent Europeans, Johnson will be praised for his determination and being a man of his word, his "that will show them" gung-ho attitude will be portrayed as a revival of Britain's bulldog spirit and again the Tories will enter a general election as a likely winners.
That, I suspect, is Johnson's game plan.
The outcome remains the more likely the longer the Labour Party continues to sit on the fence.
However even without the Labour leadership seeing the light Johnson's plan can be stopped.
There is a danger that, in the remaining three months, the debate will be narrowed down to a choice between an new-deal and no-deal.
But neither is anywhere near as good for the country as the deal we already have by remaining in the EU, an option with is still open to us.
A majority of MPs, from all parties, know this very well.
There is still time for our MPs to avoid the damage to the cultural, social and economic future of our country, and rescue our political reputation, by plucking up the courage to revoke Article 50
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
Jo Swinson- an open letter of welcome
Dear Jo Swinson,
Congratulations on winning the leadership of our party by a majority of two to one (or nearly). The press acknowledge your enthusiasm and communication skills, and I hope they will be effective, especially in attracting young and idealistic campaigners.
There are one or two things in your opening remarks as leader on which I'd like to offer some notes of caution.
First, you invite existing Labour and Conservative MPs to come and join us. Fine if they immediately resign tier seats and fight as Liberal Democrats to regain them. If they don't then their present constituents, and especially those who actively campaigned for and financed them, will justifiably feel cheated. Swapping parties without confirmation by the electorate leads to even further distrust of and cynicism about our politics when we need the reverse.
Admittedly now that we have accepted Chuka Umunna into our ranks without a by-election it will be difficult to insist on that provision for others. Therefore, in the interim, I suggest that we invite potential defectors to remain with their existing parties, but to vote with us on all matters concerning Brexit. Then, if their parties expel them, they can fight as Liberal Democrats in the General Election which will probably ensue.
Secondly be careful of offering Liberal Democrat membership to any Tom, Dick or Mary just because they are in favour of our continued membership of the EU. We need also to know that they share most of our Liberal values. At least one of the ChangeUK MPs (I think it is Anna Soubry) was even keener on the shameful and unnecessary austerity cuts than Danny Alexander and David Laws. The neocons have already done enough damage to our party, heir to that of Beveridge and Keynes, without adding to their number.
Thirdly, you are reported as saying that you will not form a coalition with either Mr Corbyn or Mr Johnson. I sympathise in relation to Johnson though I suspect your are accepting the right-wing press's demonisation of Corbyn rather than the real thing. But it is not up to us to choose the leaders of other parties: stick to policies, not personalities.
Fourthly, you seem keen to co-operate with other parties and that is sensible, even inevitable, for a party that believes in proportional representation by singly transferable vote in multi-member constituencies. But do be careful to deliniate carefully what we will and won't support in any agreement or coalition. That was the mistake we made in 2010: "We must support everything -we can't pick and choose." We need to define categories: what we will support and campaign for; what we can't support but will offer "confidence and supply"; on what we choose to offer alternatives,:and what we will oppose both in public, parliament and in the voting lobbies. These categories are discussed in more detail in Liberator 365.
Finally, don't be bounced into some sort of agreement or coalition in haste because of some sort of perceived crisis (as happened in 2010). Continental democracies can take weeks if not months to form partnerships.
You take over the party when the tide is moving, indeed has moved, in our favour.
The best of luck.
Peter Wrigley
Member since the early 1960s
Tuesday, 16 July 2019
Bishop Baines's Five Points
Towards the end of his Harold Wilson Memorial Lecture (referred to in the previous post and which can be reached from here) Bishop Nick Baines argues that, whatever the outcome of Brexit, the controversy has exposed five areas in which we need to to take action. We need:
- A codified constitution.
- A more representative electoral system.
- Rules for referendums.
- Rules for devolution to, and the powers of, the parliament and assemblies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
- A redesign of the chambers in the Palace of Westminster to reflect our changed political makeup.
1. Yes, Britain's famous "unwritten " constitution is now open to abuse. It depended on a sense of fair play, a common purpose, and that all would observes established conventions. The current threat to prorogue parliament in order to allow the executive (under Johnson?) to get its way is perhaps the most glaring example of abuse.
At the same time, as was pointed out in a recent article in Prospect, we need to be careful not to "set in stone" rules and procedures which are relevant only to today's circumstances. The US, for example, is lumbered with the "right to bear arms" and an electoral college which allowed Trump to become president even though Mrs Clinton had thee million more votes, just because they are in their (now semi-sacred) Constitution or its Amendments.
2. Yes indeed, preferably proportional representation by single transferable vote in multi-member constituencies. This is the system which confers maximum power to the voters, reduces the powers of the parties but avoids fragmentation by ensuring that parties have a significant, even if modest, level of support if they are to achieve representation.
3. If we are to have more referendums. Now that they have been introduced they will be difficult to get rid of. We need to define the circumstances and issues in which they can be used, with provisions for safeguards in the veracity of the campaigning, the right to vote and the size of the majorities necessary for change.
4. The powers of the devolved administrations should be defined and safeguarded in law, as should the powers of local government, and regional governments in England when we get them.
5. The adversarial bear-pit of the Commons chamber should be replaced by one which reflects the diverse opinions of the electorate and promotes "quiet calm deliberation" rather than knockabout abuse.
When will the electorate be ready to tackle these issues? Which political party will be brave enough to campaign on them?
Saturday, 13 July 2019
Eton ethos
Our former prime minister Harold Wilson was born and brought up in Hundersfield and to mark the connection the University of Huddersfield holds an annual Harold Wilson Memorial Lecture. This year the topic was "The Will of the People" and the lecturer was the anomalously styled (Anglican) Bishop of Leeds, Nick Baines. The entire lecture is well worth reading and can be found here
Early in the lecture Bishop Baines quoted this comment on the transition of the premiership from Tony Blair to Gordon Brown in 2007
“[It's a] transition
about as democratically proper as the transition from Claudius to Nero … It’s
the arrogance. It’s the contempt. That’s what gets me. It’s [his] apparent
belief that he can just trample on the democratic will of the British people.
It’s at moments like this that I think the political world has gone mad, and I
am alone in detecting the gigantic fraud. … Everybody seems to have forgotten
that the last general election was only two years ago…”
Surprise, surprise: the writer was Boris Johnson, current contender and front runner to take over the premiership from Theresa May.
Bishop Baines continues:
Surprise, surprise: the writer was Boris Johnson, current contender and front runner to take over the premiership from Theresa May.
Bishop Baines continues:
[Johnson] went on to say: “They voted for Tony, and yet they now
get Gordon, and a transition about as democratically proper as the transition
from Claudius to Nero. It is a scandal.” But, he doesn’t leave it there; he
goes on to speak of a “stitch-up”, a “palace coup”, “North Korean servility”, a
“fraud and double fraud”, and demands a “mandate from the British people” – a
“democratic mandate … by asking the public to vote at once on him, on the new
EU treaty, and on the implications of the devolutionary settlement”. He
concludes: “Let’s have an election without delay.”
Can we now assume that Johnson, if and when he ascends to No 10, will promptly call a general election to validate his accession?
Of course not.
Johnson, who was sacked from The Times for making up stories about the EU when he was their correspondent in Brussels, and from Michael Howard's Shadow Cabinet for lying about an extra-marital relationship, uses words off the cuff to suit whatever is his present situation, and , like Donald Trump,shows no shame in the future for doing the opposite of what he has said in the past. The famous "British " value"; "My word is my bond" seems to have no resonance
A more extensive list of examples and incidents which demonstrate Johnson's unsuitability for any form of public office, never mind the highest in the land, is given in an earlier post.
Johnson's rival, Jeremy Hunt, is only marginally better. Both of them promise they will be able to negotiate a better leaving deal with the EU than Mrs May did, Johnson because of his "oomph" and Humt because of his experience as an entrepreneur. Both promise extra spending, Hunt for the Navy (his dad was an Admiral) and Johnson on anything you care to mention. Nine years of austerity and no Magic Money Tree are now in the dustbin of history. Both pander to the lowest instincts of the 160 000 largely male, elderly and white Tory electorate - demonising immigrants, getting tougher on criminals and cutting taxes for the already well-heeled
What values were they taught at school, Johnson at Eton, Hunt at Charterhouse, where he was head boy?
Both would do well to recall the third verse of our Recessional Hymn for tomorrow:
Cure thy children's warring madness,
Bend our pride to they control;
Shame our wanton selfish gladness,
Rich in goods and poor in soul.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
Lest we miss they kingdom's goal.*
I know Eton has a chapel because you see pictures of it. I'm sure Charterhouse will have one too. I imagine this hymn will lbe sung frequently in both.
Maybe its sentiments are meant to apply only to we lower orders.
Of course not.
Johnson, who was sacked from The Times for making up stories about the EU when he was their correspondent in Brussels, and from Michael Howard's Shadow Cabinet for lying about an extra-marital relationship, uses words off the cuff to suit whatever is his present situation, and , like Donald Trump,shows no shame in the future for doing the opposite of what he has said in the past. The famous "British " value"; "My word is my bond" seems to have no resonance
A more extensive list of examples and incidents which demonstrate Johnson's unsuitability for any form of public office, never mind the highest in the land, is given in an earlier post.
Johnson's rival, Jeremy Hunt, is only marginally better. Both of them promise they will be able to negotiate a better leaving deal with the EU than Mrs May did, Johnson because of his "oomph" and Humt because of his experience as an entrepreneur. Both promise extra spending, Hunt for the Navy (his dad was an Admiral) and Johnson on anything you care to mention. Nine years of austerity and no Magic Money Tree are now in the dustbin of history. Both pander to the lowest instincts of the 160 000 largely male, elderly and white Tory electorate - demonising immigrants, getting tougher on criminals and cutting taxes for the already well-heeled
What values were they taught at school, Johnson at Eton, Hunt at Charterhouse, where he was head boy?
Both would do well to recall the third verse of our Recessional Hymn for tomorrow:
Cure thy children's warring madness,
Bend our pride to they control;
Shame our wanton selfish gladness,
Rich in goods and poor in soul.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
Lest we miss they kingdom's goal.*
I know Eton has a chapel because you see pictures of it. I'm sure Charterhouse will have one too. I imagine this hymn will lbe sung frequently in both.
Maybe its sentiments are meant to apply only to we lower orders.
* from H E Fosdick's "God of grace and God of glory" to be sung to Harry Smart's "Regent Square."