- the Murdoch empire commits the most appalling, not to mention illegal, invasions of privacy and is found to be a "fit and proper person" to hold a broadcasting licence.
- G4s fail to fulfil their contract to provide security guards for the Olympics, yet still claim their £57m "management fee, " and look as though they will get it, along with, incredibly, further government contracts.
Along with these are the further "on running" sores, such as
- bankers and financiers, whose ineptitude and greed caused the financial crisis, remain unpunished, with their banks unreformed, and continue to award themselves massive bonuses. (According to a letter in this morning's Guardian, "extra cuts of £14bn are needed to hit the spending target" whilst, "City bonuses totalled £13bn in the year to April." )
- top rate tax payers have a 5% tax cut whilst those at the bottom of the pile, the unemployed and disabled, have their benefits cut.
More controversially perhaps, though I cant understand why it should be:
- a Liberal Democrat MP, yes, a Liberal Democrat, (to paraphrase slightly Neil Kinnock) complains that the government is slow to implement changes which would limit the cost of personal care for the elderly to £35 000 so that their children, grand-children, favourite charities, the Battersea Dogs' Home or whatever can inherit the rest of their wealth (much of which will come from the unearned appreciation of the value of their houses.)
With these glaring anomalies, it is no wonder that the electorate conclude that their politicians are either incapable of altering the "way things are", or don't really care.
Friday, 21 September 2012
Strange contrasts.
Whether you shrug your shoulders and just accept the "It's an unfair world", or mutter the cliché that "There's one law for the rich and another for the poor;" there are various items currently in the news which defy rational explanation to the vast majority of us: perhaps not quite the 99%, but close.
I agree with your grumbles but notice that you omit Clegg's 'apology' - not for his pledge but rather for making it! I am afraid 'tout comprendre' does not amount to 'tout pardonner' in this case and he is making things worse by reminding the electorate of his lack of integrity. he claims to be 'good' at politics but sad that he never gets the recognition for the good work he does. His apology brings this into massive doubt?