Saturday 19 October 2024

What are we still good at makiing (and doing)?

In my boyhood the UK helped to win the War using British made Lee Enfield rifles, British built Centurion tanks, British Spitfires and Hurricane fighters and Wellington bombers, and Clyde or Belfast-built warships. 

After the War we resumed producing Leyland buses and famous motor cars: Rileys, MGs and Austin Healeys; Rolls Royces, Lagondas  and Bentleys; Rovers Jaguars, and  Jowets (in Bradford), to name but some.  By contrsast the German Volkswagen company was limited to producing Austin Sevens on licence.  The Duke of Edinburgh pointed out that the British had invented Television and the Jet Engine.  What wasn’t to like?

Today the situation is different.  Our buses are all imported (and railway carriages and engines as well, I suspect), the only surviving British-owned car manufacturer is Morgan (I think), the world famous Sheffield steel industry no longer exists and  even the windmills that generate the clean electricity of which the government is so proud are made abroad.

So what, if anything, are we still good at?

Helpfully, earlier in the week (15th October)the Guardian’s Business Editor, Nils Pratley, provided a list.

The top eight areas, in no order apart from the first two are:

1.    Financial Services;

2.    Professional Services

3.    Technology;

4.    Creative industries;

5.    Advanced manufacturing;

6.    Defence;

7.    Life sciences;

8.    Clean energy.

These are the eight “growth driving sectors” in what might be called Labour’s “Industrial Strategy.”

As Pratley points out, it may seem odd to head an Industrial strategy list with services, but times have changed even if the nomenclature hasn’t.  We were taught to be very proud that Britain had been “the Workshop of the World,” that “Made in Britain” was a universally recognised mark of quality, and that “Sheffield Steel” really had been “The best in the World and the envy of the World.” 

With the wisdom of hindsight we can see that in the second half of the 20th century we placed too much emphasis on things the World used to want and propping up the industries that provided them, and not enough on discerning the what the World’s wants would be  in the future, and  developing the skills  necessary to satisfy them.

In other worlds, to move from manufacturing things to supplying services.

That it didn’t matter whether we earned our living by supplying goods or supplying services was about the only issue on which I agreed with Margaret Thatcher.  Now I admit that both of us went too far.  There is an argument that an economy  needs a manufacturing base on which to support  service industries.  Both Germany and France have managed  to achieve a better balance.

With this in mind, the Government’s policy needs to be to enable the above eight sectors (plus two more I shall mention later) but to avoid nursing then. We are  already almost a quarter of the way though the “new” century, and the leading sectors of the last may not be the areas which the World wants or which we are good at providing in the future.

To take each of the above in turn:

1.     Financial Services. Our economy has lived on the back of these for years, but we may have lost our edge.  Joining the Euro would have helped maintain London’s pre-eminence.  Brexit was and is even more damaging.  However, I suspect most of the earnings of the City are achieved thought sophisticated gambling, along with tax havens and money laundering, all of which are morally dubious, so perhaps we shall be happy to move out.

2.    Professional Services. These include Insurance and Legal services.  For the latter, Sir Keir Starmer’s commitment to the Rule of Law, including International law, should strengthen our position.

3.    Technology.  In this sector   our major strength in design needs to be supported by an increase in the provision and prestige of technical education.  We need skilled artisans as well as gifted designers.

4.    Creative Industries. It has become the fashion to mock qualifications in “performing arts” as somehow substandard and frivolous. Yet this is an area where we are and remain respected members of the top  World Leagues. The reduction in funding of the BBC, a major sponsor of the arts, is nothing short of criminal and should be reversed, along with support for the BBC’s  news and communication services.

5.    Advance manufacturing.  I’d be interested to know of what.

6.    Defence.  This is a heavily subsidised area.  Maybe it is in all countries, but I doubt that British defence industries would flourish  without heavy government assistance.  Procurement by the services is hugely wasteful.

7.    Life sciences.  The universities play an important part in this and should be treated far more generously.  The current fashion of precarious short-term contracts for lecturers and researchers is inappropriate.  The pharmaceutical industry tends to exploit the NHS.  There is a strong case for at least one nationalised firm dedicated to supplying the NHS with drugs at cost.

8.    Clean energy.  Given that we are surrounded by oceans in which the tides come in and out twice a day (and four times in the Solent) without fail, we should become World Leaders in wave and tidal power.

I’m surprised that Higher Education is not included in the list.  There is a huge demand from international students to study for first and  higher degrees, and do post-doctoral research, in our universities. The previous government’s obsession with keeping them out beggars belief.  Let’s hope this policy is soon reversed, and not just to subsidise domestic students.

The Tourist Industry is also a major area for earnings.  We have a history and culture which interests people from many parts of the world as well as our own residents. We need to preserve the physical manifestations of it.    Among other “relics” our cathedrals and historic  churches should be maintained from the public purse, not be forced to pester their declining  congregations and exploit their visitors.  We need a smoothly operating transport network and hospitality facilities to enable visitors and natives to explore our country without trauma.

 A tall order?  Yes. A ten year pogramme, at the very least.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

The "Just War" tradition



Discussions of the ethics of states using violence to gain their ends go back to Ancient Egypt.  There are contributions from the “Eastern” religions” but  Western  conclusions are largely based on the works of St Ambrose (339 – 397) and St Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430)  (ie not the  Archbishop of Canterbury Augustine).

 In summary, their conclusions are that for a state to go to war (and to limit the violence in conducting the war)

1.    1. The war should be undertaken by a lawful authority  . . .

2.    2. . . .in vindication of an undoubted right that has been infringed.

3.    3. Be a last resort.

4.    4. The good to be achieved should outweigh the evil the war wold involve. .

5.    5. . . . with a reasonable hope of a victory for justice.

6.    6. Be waged with a right intention (this one from Thomas Aquinas, d1274)

7.    7. . . .using methods that are legitimate (de Vitoria, 1483 – 1546)

8.    8. Retaliation should be proportionate to the offence.

In considering the present war in the Middle East there is plenty of scope for argument in several of the above.  (Are Hamas  and Hezbollah ”lawful authorities?  Is the prolongation of the war really for Netanyahu to remain in power and avoid criminal prosecution?   -  to name but some.)

The outstanding “non-compliance” with Just War theory is to me the lack of proportionality.  It is unconscionable that 42 000 people in Gaza, plus 2 000 and rising in Lebanon should be slaughtered as a response to  the killing of just over 1 000 on October 7th last year.

Similarly, in the coverage of the anniversary in the last few days such media as have tried to be even handed (eg the BBC) have tended to give equal time to each side: two Israeli families and two Palestinian families.  To be proportionate, for every Israeli family’s tragedy we need to hear about the tragedies of 40+  Palestinian families.

 As Ian Dunt points out in his newsletter,  (Striking 13) we are told the stories of Israeli families  because we know their names, have the family photographs and videos, and can hear of their thwarted ambitions.  We don’t have the same access to Palestinian stories, not least because the Israeli government does not allow access to Gaza for reporters.  But also because there are two many of them.

 Post script.  

 Today's Guardian devotes the front- page headline and then four more complete pages to the agonies of the Israelis, and we wait until until page nine for just one to the agonies of Gaza.  No wonder we are now hearing the phrase: "Brown lives don't matter." 

themthem: they have become just a number.

Thursday 3 October 2024

Gasping Local Government.



In the  previous post I reported my answers to “Labour List’s” question , what do think are the three  most important priorities that should be in the Budget at the end of this month.  They are:

1.    End the Two Child Benefit Cap (I’ve gathered since that the Household Benefit Cap also need lifting)

2.    Significantly increase the funding of local government.

3.    Restore the Aid Budget to at least 0.58% of GDP, and publish plans to  get back to 0.7% asap.

There are further and better particulars in today’s Guardian (03/10/24) about the strains under which local government is currently operating.  See:


To summarise, by law Councils must provide:

·       Educational services;

·       Children and adult social care;

·       Waste collection;

·       Public health;

·       Planning and housing services;

·       Road maintenance;

·       Libraries.

In trying to maintain these statuary duties, since 2010 Councils have been forced  to reduce or even abandon “nice to have” services such as:

·       Sure Start children’s centres;

·       Youth clubs;

·       Leisure centres;

·       Arts projects;

·       Museums;

·       Parks;

·       Libraries;

·       Theatres.

A government spokesperson has said: “Despite the inheritance left, (we’re hearing a lot about that) “we will work with local government to fix the foundations and get them back on their feet. . . ”

 I presume M/s Reeves knows.