Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Holocaust Memorial Day

 Tomorrow, 27th January, is Holocaust Memorial Day.

On pages 141 et seq of his "Is this a Man?"  Primo Levi describes how prisoners  in Auschwitz were selected for execution.

Today is working Sunday, Arbeitsonntag: we work  until 1pm.then we return to the camp for the shower, shave and general  control for skin disease and lice. And in the yards everyone  knew mysteriously  that the selection  would be today.

The news arrived, as always  surrounded  by a halo  of contradictory  or suspect details . . . Room has to be made for an enormous convoy  arriving from the Ponzan ghetto. . .The young tell the young  that all the old ones will be chosen.  The healthy tell the healthy that only the ill will be chosen.  Specialists will be excluded.  German Jews will be excluded.  Low Numbers will be excluded.  You will be chosen.  I will be excluded.

When their turn for the selection comes Levi and the fellow members of his dormitory strip naked and are herded into a small.  From there they must, one at a time, step outdoors and walk a short distance back to the dormitory.  Each must carry a card a card  with his number on it.  

The Blockältester has closed the connecting door  and has opened the other two  which lead from the dormitory  and the Tagesraum outside.  Here in front of the two doors stands the arbiter of our fate, an SS subaltern.  On his right is the Blockältester, on his left the quartermaster of the hut.  Each one of us as he comes naked out of the Tagesraum  into the cold October air, has to run the few steps  between the two doors, give the card to the SS man and enter the dormitory door.  The SS man, in the fraction of a second between two successive crossings, with a glance at one's back and front, judges everyone's fate, and in turn gives the card to the man  on his right or his left, and this is the life or death of  for each of us.

. . .

Jammed in the charnel-house  of the Tagesraum I gradually feel the pressure around me slacken, and in a short time it was my turn.  Like everyone, I passed by with a brisk and elastic step, trying to hold my head high,  my chest forward and my muscles contracted and conspicuous.  With the corner of my eye I tried to look behind my shoulders, and my card seemed to end on the right.

As we gradually come back into the dormitory  we are allowed to dress ourselves.  Nobody yet knows with certainty his own fate, it has first of all to be established  whether the condemned card are those on the right or the left.

It turned out to be the left, so Levi survived.

The above is a horrifying illustration of the depths to which man's inhumanity to man can reach when we lose our reason, are told lies by  "the authorities",  believe myths (fake news?) and look for scapegoats.  In both the US and the UK we are a long way from those depths, but we are taking the first steps.  

In two weeks time there is every likelihood that at lest 34 US Senators will decide, in spite of the real events they witnessed and the publicised  evidence on tape, that Donald Trump's urging  of his followers to invade Congress and prevent the confirmation of Biden's Presidency, and which caused five deaths, was not  after all  a "high crime." and so Trump will get away with it.


  1. In both the US and the UK we are a long way from those depths, but we are taking the first steps.

    No. We aren't. And to claim we are is hideously trivialising of the real horror of the Holocaust.

    1. These things can build up quickly. The words of Pastor Martin Niemoller spring to mind: "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
      Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

    2. I'm with Severn Boar on this. Proroguing parliament illegally (UK) encouraging a mob attack on Congress (US), lying, generating fake news, personality cults are all first steps away from democracy and towards dictatorships. We need to put the process into reverse. The US has made a good start with President Biden. How long before the UK does the same?

  2. Proroguing parliament illegally (UK) encouraging a mob attack on Congress (US), lying, generating fake news, personality cults are all first steps away from democracy and towards dictatorships.

    No. They're not. Steps away from democracy would be something like cancelling elections, or ignoring the results of a vote. And if recent events in the USA have shown anything, it's that the institutions of democracy there are far too strong to be overturned even by a sore loser like Trump. There was an election; he lost fair and square; and no matter how he ranted and railed, power was transferred to the winner and there was never any prospect of it not being. The deluded mob's attack on Congress was pathetic, ineffectual and futile: there was nothing it could ever conceivably have accomplished, beyond getting some poor people tragically killed.

    'But Hitler looked pathetic to start with!' I suppose you'll cry. Well, yes. But just because my cat has four legs, and dogs have four legs, doesn't mean cats are dogs; and possibly if Trump had been in a fragile early-twentieth-century baby democracy, he might have been able to set himself up as some kind of opportunistic robber baron dictator, like Mussolini or something. But he wasn't, and Trump ended up even more pathetic than he started.

    As it was always obvious and inevitable that he would.

  3. It was obvious and inevitable that ?trump would lose against Hillary Clinton in 2016, which in fact he did, by 4m in the popular vote, but the over-representation of rural areas and smaller sates in the Electoral College meant that, where it mattered constitutionally, he won. The US needs to fix this serous flaw in its democratic arrangements - as we do in the UK by abandoning FPTP and adopting PR

    1. It was obvious and inevitable that ?trump would lose against Hillary Clinton in 2016, which in fact he did, by 4m in the popular vote, but the over-representation of rural areas and smaller sates in the Electoral College meant that, where it mattered constitutionally, he won.

      Which means he actually won. Fair and square. Just like he lost fair and square in 2020. You don't get to change the rules of the contest retrospectively.

      The US needs to fix this serous flaw in its democratic arrangements

      That's up to them, and entirely within their rights and their power. The important thing is that they change the rules before the contest to which the changes apply.

      - as we do in the UK by abandoning FPTP and adopting PR

      And that also is in our right and our power, but — I hope, as a democrat, you agree — it should only be done if a majority of the electorate agrees in a referendum.

      I personally will vote against as PR has serious problems that I think make it unusable for governmental elections (for example, it makes it all but impossible for a single party to win a majority, pretty much guaranteeing a permanent soup of shifting coalitions with no accountability).

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