Monday, 27 January 2025

Holocaust + +



 For the past ten years or more I have tried to "honour" Holocaust Memorial Day on this blog, mostly with an extract from Primo Levi's records of his experiences, "Is this a Man.?" and "Truce."  This year being the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, by the Red army, there is so much media interest that a modest reference here to the details of the atrocity would be superfluous. 

I gather from one programme  on BBC Radio that Levi found it difficult in the early years after the War to find a publisher: people preferred something more noble or optimistic - in the UK details of derring-do such as "The Wooden Horse " and the "Dam Busters."  It was not until the 1960s that interest grew in the darker sides of the conflict.

In another  programme I heard an interview with one of the few remaining Auschwitz survivors.  I didn't catch his name but he was 92 years old so presumably born in or about 1932 (five years before me) and would have been aged about seven when the war began and 13 or so when he was liberated.  He had an older brother and admitted that their relationship included fierce arguments typical of brothers as well as mutual protection. He was one of the survivors taken to Windermere and had a successful career in the UK.  

The interview concluded with his saying that the cycle of inhumanity is returning again.  When asked who were the current victims I expected him to suggest refugees and migrants drowning while trying to cross the Channel, "illegal" residents in Trump's America, persecuted dissidents in Myanmar, Uyghurs in China . . .

 But no.  It was Jews, the resurgence of anti-Semitism.

Frankly , given the relentless slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza for the past  fifteen months, and  the transfer of terror to the West Bank now that there's a (temporary?) pause in Gaza, I am not surprised.

Yes I know that there are thousands of Jews around the world  who are as horrified by the Israeli government's actions as the rest of us, and not all those who live in Israel support what is done in their name.  But the tarring of the brush takes hold and, in this age of false news and misinformation, becomes even more virulent.

The trick of the populists the world over, rather than to offer solutions to undoubted problem, is to identify and blame "the other."

 We should retaliate with moments of light, as the brave episcopalian bishop, the Rt Rev'd Mariann Edgar Budde did at  the US service of "Thanksgiving" (!) for the transfer of power to Donald Trump.

“I ask you to have mercy, Mr President,” she said from the pulpit at the National Cathedral prayer service for the inauguration, “on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away. And that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here. Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger, for we were all once strangers in this land.”

 There is no "other"  Only "people like us.".


  1. given the relentless slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza for the past fifteen months

    As keeps being pointed out, what has been happening in Gaza is not a ‘slaughter’. The majority pf those killed have been enemy combatants, and Israel has gone to great lengths to avoid killing civilians, even giving advance warnings of where it will attack to allow civilians to escape, to its own tactical and strategic disadvantage.

    What happened on the 7th of October 2023, when Hamas terrorists killed and raped and kidnapped many innocent Israelis, including women and children, including infants, now that was a slaughter.

    If you want to see the new inhumanity, you need only go into London on the weekends and see the terror marches celebrating that slaughter and calling for the one safe haven in the world for Jews to be wiped off the map.

  2. "The majority of those killed have been enemy combatants. . ."

    I see you cling determinedly to what most people will regard as an "alternative fact." I believe the mainstream view as expressed by Nesrine Malik in yesterday's Guardian is nearer the truth:
    "Once the final tally becomes clear what will probably emerge is a colossal death toll of children. Already indications point to it being children that have made up the majority of casualties. UN analysis of verified deaths during a five month period confirmed that of those who died, 44% were children."

    1. I believe

      You believe the terrorists, is what you’re saying.

      (Though I would note that depending on how you define ‘children’, it is entirely possible to be both a ‘child’ and a combatant and therefore an entirely legitimate target of war).

      What you can’t deny though is that:

      (a) Israel makes every effort to minimise civilian casualties (eg, by warning civilians before they attack and giving them time to leave the area)

      (b) Hamas makes every effort to increase casualties among Palestinian civilians (eg, by putting up roadblocks to prevent civilians leaving the danger zone when Israel warns that at attack is coming; and by conducting military operations from civilian buildings like schools and hospitals),

    2. No, I believe the estimates verified by the UN and the evidence of my eyes as seen on the pictures on the TV and in the newspapers.

    3. No, I believe the estimates verified by the UN

      … who have demonstrated themselves repeatedly to be biased against Israel …

      and the evidence of my eyes as seen on the pictures on the TV and in the newspapers.

      So you believe the pictures which have been chosen by the terrorists to release to the media and presented to you are an accurate representation of the situation, do you?

      Did you know the word ‘gullible’ has been removed from the dictionary?

  3. So we now know that Hamas, whose casualty numbers and pictures you believe without question:

    (a) suffocated two children, and then bashed their corpses with rocks to make it look like they died in an air strike;

    (b) tried to pass off the corpse of an unrelated woman (presumably one who had actually died in an air strike) as their mother.

    Are you not having second thoughts about your absolute, unwavering trust yet?
